Spring is here, as I write this it’s trying to snow! But time has come to plant! I have planted my early potatoes and am waiting to see them show so I can cover them up by earthing them up. If they get too big, I will put some fleece over them if frost is forecast. I will plant my late potatoes at the end of April.

My greenhouses are full of plants; I am taking Dahlia cuttings as I believe I get better plants from cuttings than from tubers. People often wonder if they will flower as they are so small at this time, but by the time the end of May comes around they will be large plants, wanting to get in the ground.

I have some Sweet Pea plants that I planted the beginning of March. They soon came up. Three seeds to a 9cm pot and as soon as they had two sets of leaves, I pinched the tops out to make them branch out. The reason you do this is to make a stronger plant. They are tough plants but a few days hardening off to get them used to the outside will be sensible. I am growing mine up 8 foot canes, with 4 canes tied at the top, with string around to give them something to cling to. I plant one pot with three seedlings in each at the base of each stick. When they flower, cut every flower so they will produce more; if you don’t, they will think ‘that’s it’ and stop growing.

Don’t plant any Gladioli until the broad leaf trees show their leaves. Horse Chestnut is a good indicator; it is nature’s way of telling you to get going with your Glads!

I am running out of room at the moment. My tomatoes are now in 5” pots, but I can’t put them in my big greenhouse as it is full of Chrysanthemum cuttings, and the hardier bedding plants. Some big Cannas in big pots and small brassicas growing on. I also have some lettuce that l would put out if it was warmer. The other big job is lawn mowing the orchard. I like to leave it as long as I can because as soon as I cut it, it comes back stronger and longer!
We sincerely hope to be up and running for a whole host of exciting speakers from September, but as ever will keep you posted via our posters around the village as well as our website: http://www.bishamptongardeningclub.org.uk/
Happy Spring and stay safe!
Cheers, Pete Chamberlain,
Chairman, Bishampton Gardening Club.
Happy Spring and stay safe!
Cheers, Pete Chamberlain,
Chairman, Bishampton Gardening Club.