February and March can bring snow so it’s worth checking any branches weighted down and giving them a shake. Evergreens are more likely to suffer but climbers sometimes hold it as well.
Are you going to grow new plants from seed? Then don’t make the mistake of potting hundreds when you only need four or five. Certainly grow some extra for friends, or bring to the Gardening Club meeting – but limit the amount or you will expand the area to the expense of other plants.
Have you checked the gladioli and dahlias you’re storing as it won’t be long before the dahlias need starting if you grow cuttings from the old tubers. Gladioli can be planted late March through to the end of May if you want a succession of blooms. When you bring the corms out of storage and put into a bit a warmth and light, they will throw shoots from the top and small roots from the base – this is the time to plant.
I start my peppers and first batch of tomatoes in a propagator on Valentine’s day, any earlier and it costs too much in heating! I find that peppers need a long time to grow so early is the secret.
Now’s the time when you can harvest parsnips and leeks. Make sure you remove yellowing leaves from winter brassicas as they may harbour pests and are of no use to the plant.
February 4 will see our first event of the year with Sheila (Woody) Nelson of Bubble House Worms talking about the benefits of having a wormery; and on March 4 we are hosting Bob Brown of Cotswold Nursery to talk to us about brightening up the garden in August which seems a long way off but planning is the key. Please note our March event will be held at Church Lench Village Hall.
Other things you can be thinking about doing in the garden are:-
· Pruning wisterias and rose bushes
· Cutting back old foliage on ornamental grasses, and also perennials such as sedums, taking care
not to damage any new growth
· Remove old leaves on hellebores to make flowers stand out when they bloom in spring.
· Deadhead winter pansy flowers to prevent them setting seed.
February 4 will see our first event of the gardening club’s year with Sheila (Woody) Nelson of Bubble House Worms talking about the benefits of having a wormery; and on March 4 we are hosting Bob Brown of Cotswold Nursery to talk to us about brightening up the garden in August which seems a long way off but planning is the key. Please note our March event will be held at Church Lench Village Hall.
For details see our events section in www.bishamptongardeningclub.org.uk or pick up a printed copy from the Village Shop or a committee member.
Pete Chamberlain
Trustees: Eddie Morris, Bob Teasdale, Rosemary Rickard, Lesley Miller, Sue Ellis, Nicki Merrett
Are you going to grow new plants from seed? Then don’t make the mistake of potting hundreds when you only need four or five. Certainly grow some extra for friends, or bring to the Gardening Club meeting – but limit the amount or you will expand the area to the expense of other plants.
Have you checked the gladioli and dahlias you’re storing as it won’t be long before the dahlias need starting if you grow cuttings from the old tubers. Gladioli can be planted late March through to the end of May if you want a succession of blooms. When you bring the corms out of storage and put into a bit a warmth and light, they will throw shoots from the top and small roots from the base – this is the time to plant.
I start my peppers and first batch of tomatoes in a propagator on Valentine’s day, any earlier and it costs too much in heating! I find that peppers need a long time to grow so early is the secret.
Now’s the time when you can harvest parsnips and leeks. Make sure you remove yellowing leaves from winter brassicas as they may harbour pests and are of no use to the plant.
February 4 will see our first event of the year with Sheila (Woody) Nelson of Bubble House Worms talking about the benefits of having a wormery; and on March 4 we are hosting Bob Brown of Cotswold Nursery to talk to us about brightening up the garden in August which seems a long way off but planning is the key. Please note our March event will be held at Church Lench Village Hall.
Other things you can be thinking about doing in the garden are:-
· Pruning wisterias and rose bushes
· Cutting back old foliage on ornamental grasses, and also perennials such as sedums, taking care
not to damage any new growth
· Remove old leaves on hellebores to make flowers stand out when they bloom in spring.
· Deadhead winter pansy flowers to prevent them setting seed.
February 4 will see our first event of the gardening club’s year with Sheila (Woody) Nelson of Bubble House Worms talking about the benefits of having a wormery; and on March 4 we are hosting Bob Brown of Cotswold Nursery to talk to us about brightening up the garden in August which seems a long way off but planning is the key. Please note our March event will be held at Church Lench Village Hall.
For details see our events section in www.bishamptongardeningclub.org.uk or pick up a printed copy from the Village Shop or a committee member.
Pete Chamberlain
Trustees: Eddie Morris, Bob Teasdale, Rosemary Rickard, Lesley Miller, Sue Ellis, Nicki Merrett